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Our Mission

Our primary focus and mission is to enrich the lives of those we serve by focusing on personal strengths; attachment; and, holistic health as we support our clients to not simply survive, but to THRIVE and CULTIVATE positive change based on their own choice and autonomy


Our Values

Our Values

The Person.

We believe that people are the focus of our work. We respect the dignity and significance of each individual whom we serve.

The Community.

We believe that the axiom, "It takes a village..." is real and palpable and will work to be an active part of the community that raises our children and supports our adults.

The Attachment.

We believe in attachment. We believe in connection and that we suffer losses of connection. We believe we all have a need for secure, quality attachments and work to help clients establish, re-establish,   preserve and cultivate their attachments.

The Quality.

We not only believe in the people we serve but also in our qualified and committed workforce. We are committed to quality in the work we do and professional development and progress.

The Accountability.

We believe services must be rendered in an ethical manner and meet established outcome measures. Our intervention and work are based on clinical research and best practices.

The Collaboration.

We believe it is our responsibility to be good stewards of all human, fiscal, and material resources.

We are dedicated to the continuous monitoring; evaluation; and, improvement of our service and business systems.

The Integrity.

We believe that services and supports are the shared responsibility of clients; service providers; and, the State and Federal Government. We will always work to enhance our service and the system we work within in an authentic manner.

The Awareness.

We believe conscious and ongoing awareness, education, and mindfulness is at the very core of personal and professional growth.

The Innovation.

We believe it is vital to embrace new ideas and change in order to improve the mental health system and the work we perform on a daily basis. We seek out a dynamic and innovative workforce and aspire and strive to identify and implement creative solutions to inspire hope and help people obtain their unique and personal goals.

The Respect.

We believe in uniqueness. We believe in embracing the differences between us - because at our very core, we believe we are more alike than different. We believe in respecting the culture and values of the people and families we serve. We emphasize and promote diversity in our ideas, our workforce, and the services/supports provided through our system.

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